Minority Perspective is a crusading news service, dedicated to exposing the corruption of, racism, economic exploitation, and war.
This is a unique news service that caters for politically conscious activists, as well as grassroots community groups and organisations that believe in the old ethos of The black civil rights movement; which is that racism, international exploitation and war are all part of the same imperialist design, which needs to be opposed and defeated.
The world is becoming increasingly troublesome, with wars, famine, rising crime, rising racism etc., and unfortunately the corporate-owned media are economically compromised when it comes to exposing the truth behind many social and international issues that effects all of us.
Minority Perspective began in March 2010 with the idea that social media and new technology can be used to empower individuals and communities locally, nationally and on a global level.
The lack of independent voices in the mainstream media, that are critical of western foreign policy, has meant that the crucial issues of racism, economic exploitation, and war, remains hidden. New technology and social media now means that recording events and writing a short post about an issue that has happened to you is now within your hands via your smart phone.
This is where Minority Perspective becomes that platform for your voice!
Black British anti-racism activist Clive Henry sent us his story: Clive Henry Petition: Equality Does Not Exist
Former West Yorkshire Police Officer, David Blair exposed police corruption on Minority Perspective: New website exposes police corruption and racism
We are not afraid to tackle difficult topics: The hidden factors of the transracial adoption debate
We do not compromise on the historical goals of the civil rights movement: The Betrayal Of Black History Month
We are one of the few black independent news services which still believe in Martin Luther King’s triple evils; racism, economic exploitation, and war.
Please note that Minority Perspective is not responsible for the content of external websites. Also note that views expressed by members of the public, or articles written by members of the public, organisations or groups are not the views of Minority Perspective.
For stories email: editor@minorityperspective.co.uk
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