The anti-immigration protests that we have witnessed in the UK over the last few days does not honour the three young girls that had their lives tragically taken, nor the grief of their families. 100,000 signatures was all that was needed to force parliament to discuss the public concerns, but instead the barbarity that we have witnessed now undermines the legitimacy of that debate.
I’m not going to go into the tragic incident that has led to the protests these last few days. I think the mainstream media and social media has saturated the story to the point where there is no longer any genuine concern for the lost lives, or for the families of the victims who are going through a very dark period in their lives.
What Did The Protests Achieve?
What I will say is that leaders such as Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage could easily have obtained 100,000 signatures to force a debate about immigration in parliament, so why didn’t they do that?
Now we have a Prime Minister who can justify further draconian measures to outlaw democratic protests altogether. Police unit to be set up to tackle violence across UK in wake of riots after Southport stabbings.
The Federation of Small Businesses believes that the looting, vandalism, and torching of shops and hotels will cost the UK between £200m and £500m. No doubt tax payers or consumers may have to pick up the tab for this. UK violence will ‘leave a scar’ on High Streets.
This does not include the millions that taxpayers will have to pick up for the costs of extra policing outside Mosques.
The protestors have certainly lined the pockets of the bankers! Making me question whose side are the protestors really on?
What did the protests achieve? Can anyone provide me with a rational answer?
Why Immigration Is A Devilish Distraction For The MoneyLenders
While some of you were out on the streets rioting over immigration the moneylenders and real rulers of the world are implicating full scale plans to eradicate natural farming so that the UK will no longer have the ability to feed the population. We will be reliant on imports and genetically modified food. UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy. In fact, the UK’s ability to feed its population has been drastically reduced over the last few decades.
I wonder if Farage and Robinison will campaign for 100,000 signatures so that this is discussed in parliament?
Without food security any talk of sovereignty is laughable. Any talk of ‘we want our country back’ is mere nonsensical rhetoric without substance or sense.
The UK monetary system is based on an infinite debt-incurring model, which simply means that the money supply is controlled by private investors with no loyalty to the country or its people. Who Do We Owe The Debt To And Why Have Governments Allowed Central Banks To Control Public Money?
How can ordinary people take their country back if they do not even control the monetary policy? I am afraid that Farage and Robinson has oversimplified the issues at stake and the condition that the UK is in.
The moneylenders use the immigration debate as a weapon of mass distraction to conceal the real issues that is going on in the world today.
If you want to ignore all the facts that I have mentioned regarding the UK not belonging to British people, and believe that getting rid of immigrants will solve all your problems then fair enough. Let’s discuss what an honest immigration debate would look like.
What An Honest Immigration Debate Would Look Like
First of all, when I mention immigration, I am not referring to illegal immigration, I am talking about any non white citizen, because I think that deep down that is what the British public wants to discuss but fear being labelled racist.
An honest immigration debate should be free of all labels, allowing people to speak freely about their concerns.
So, I personally would be interested in seeing a government referendum asking British people if they would like non whites to return to their country, or should I say parents’ country of origin.
The British National Party offered £50,000 for non whites to leave Britain, and return to their country of origin back in 2010. BNP would offer non-white Britons £50,000 to leave UK, says Nick Griffin.
I do believe some of the first generation immigrants, especially from the Windrush era would be attracted by that offer. Obviously, we are now in 2024, so the offer would have to reflect the current cost of living crises and inflation.
One of the top conditions for repatriation would have be a reciprocal scheme for British settlers in overseas colonies to return to their country of origin as well.
All the resources of the Caribbean, India, Africa etc., would have to belong to the people or their respective governments; after all, Brexit is no longer just about British people reclaiming their sovereignty, it has inspired a global movement of people from all nations who also want their sovereignty back from the British, and other European nations.
This is how an honest immigration debate would happen in my view
What Would A Revolutionary Immigration Debate Look Like?
A revolutionary immigration debate would shake the foundations of power all over the world because it would take into consideration the root to immigration, which is clearly war and the exploitation of natural resources.
The enemies of humanity and all nations would be identified and the beginning of a real global revolution would be in the making.
I know which debate I would rather be having.
We can be frustrated at not being able to speak freely about issues that concern all of us, but my advice is to be very careful of leaders who incite anger against certain communities, because while you go to prison, they will condemn your violence. While you lose your job, they will still be earning a lot more that you ever will in your lifetime.
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