Six million European Jews and the seventy million other men, women and children didn’t die because of Adolph Hitler, they perished because the wealthy in the US and Western Europe empowered Adolph Hitler to make war!

There is simply no way an impoverished and utterly demilitarised Nazi Germany, with no air force, a tiny navy, no armoured vehicles, no heavy weapons and a small army, could have on its own, built its armed forces up to the most powerful military in the world during the first six years of Hitler’s rule without the colossal and crucial investments in, and joint venturing by, top US corporations in low wage Nazi Germany – in outright evasion of the Versailles Treaty prohibition of German rearmament. There is no way Hitler could have begun a world war and a multi-nation Holocaust when he did without the mega enormous financial and technical help he received from the United States of America, the Military of England and France also cooperating, in agreeing to allow the abandonment of the prohibitions on German rearmament. Western media defended the building up of Nazi Germany’s military as only a ‘bulwark’ against the Soviet Union.

Hitler had emphasised Germany’s need for ‘Lebensraum’ (‘living space’), insisting Germany’s 19th century motto ‘Drang Nach Osten’ (‘push to the East,’ a slogan designating German expansion into Slavic lands), must become a reality. All this was strikingly proclaimed by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf, which by 1939 had sold 5.2 million copies in eleven languages. [Britannica]

Hitler’s uncompromising lethal condemnation of communism and the very existence of Wall Street’s archenemy, the socialist Soviet Union, would have to have impressed the US and European wealthy, whose ‘rule by the rich’ was threatened by socialist fervour and riots at home for their failure to have prevented the ongoing Great Depression with tens of millions suffering even from lack of food. Newsreels of massive and violent riots in many US cities, newsreels can be seen on YouTube at ‘Riots Across America – The Great Depression.’

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Seen As a Model for Revolutionaries Everywhere

Except for the socialist Soviet Union, the suffering the Great Depression engendered was world-wide. Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) fell by an estimated 15%.[13]Meanwhile, the prospering revolutionary Soviet Union had become an inspiration and model for revolutionary organising against capitalism and colonialism across the world.  Actually, though by 1928, the Soviet Union had made an amazingly rapid recovery from the ravages of the First World War and from a horrible civil war promoted by invasions of twelve capitalist nations, its agricultural production had not recovered from war’s devastation and there were still terrible famines throughout the 1930s.  

The Multi-nation Holocaust Could Not Have Happened Without Corporate USA Rearming Germany for War Against the USSR.

The Great Depression outside it in the capitalist run world which isolated it, if anything, helped to fuel the industrialisation of the USSR and actually had a positive effect on the county’s economy. The Soviet economy did not take a hit like that of the capitalist countries who’s economies were closely interlinked. All the more so did the did the revolutionary government of Russia inspire freedom from the white man plundering colonial system world wide and stimulate the various century old European intellectual anti-capitalists movements. (The Soviet Union during the Great Depression: The Autarky Model,  Paul R. Gregory and Joel Sailors, Macmillan, UK) [13a]

Below are excepts from British American scholar Anthony B. Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,’ Chapter One –‘Wall Street Paves the Way for Hitler.’ ( Anthony Sutton was research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.)

“The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military capabilities. For instance, in 1934 Germany produced domestically only 300,000 tons of natural petroleum products and less than 800,000 tons of synthetic gasoline; Yet, ten years later in World War II, after transfer of the Standard Oil of New Jersey hydrogenation patents and technology to I. G. Farben, Germany produced about 6 1/2 million tons of oil — of which 85 percent was synthetic oil using the Standard Oil hydrogenation process.

Germans were brought to Detroit to learn the techniques of specialised production of components, and of straight-line assembly. The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas …. I. G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance. Contemporary American business press confirm that business journals and newspapers were fully aware of the Nazi threat and its nature.

The evidence presented suggests that not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible (and profitable) –with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States.

Synthetic gasoline and explosives (two of the very basic elements of modern warfare), the control of German World War II output was in the hands of two German combines created by Wall Street loans under the Dawes Plan.

The two largest tank producers in Hitler’s Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities. Alcoa and Dow Chemical worked closely with Nazi industry.

General Motors supplied Siemens & Halske A. G. in Germany with data on automatic pilots and aircraft instruments. As late as 1940, Bendix Aviation supplied complete technical data to Robert Bosch for aircraft and diesel engine starters and received royalty payments in return.

In brief, American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers were intimately related to the growth of Nazi industry. It is important to note ” that General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were — except for the Ford Motor Company — controlled by the Wall Street elite — the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan Bank.”

The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, describes the reaction to Kristallnacht in the US: Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), the night of November 9-10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms.

“President Franklin Roosevelt condemned the pogrom, recalled the U.S. ambassador from Germany for ‘consultations,’ and extended the visitors’ visas of the approximately 12,000 German Jewish refugees who were then in the United States. But at the same time, FDR announced that liberalisation of America’s tight immigration quotas was ‘not in contemplation.’ The Christian Science Monitor echoed Roosevelt’s position, telling its readers that prayer, not more immigration, was the best response to the persecution of German Jewry.

– In the wake of Kristallnacht, humanitarian-minded members of Congress introduced legislation to aid German Jewry. A bill sponsored by Senator Robert F. Wagner (D-NY) and Rep. Edith Rogers (R-Mass) proposed the admission of 20,000 German refugee children outside the quotas. Nativist and isolationist groups vociferously opposed the Wagner-Rogers bill. Typical of their perspective was a remark by FDR’s cousin, Laura Delano Houghteling, who was the wife of the U.S. Commissioner of Immigration: she warned that ‘20,000 charming children would all too soon grow into 20,000 ugly adults.’ February, 1939, the Wagner-Rogers bill died in Congress. Roosevelt refused to take a position on it.

– On May 13, 1939, the German transatlantic liner St. Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany, for Havana, Cuba, with 937 passengers. Almost all were Jews fleeing from the Third Reich. 743 had been waiting to receive US visas. The Cuban government refused to admit them. Some passengers on the St. Louis cabled President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking for refuge. Roosevelt never responded.’ 254 of the passengers returned to Europe would perish in the Holocaust.

– Four months before Kristallnacht, the Roosevelt administration had organised a conference in Evian, France, and invited delegates from 32 countries to discuss the Jewish refugee problem. But the delegates reaffirmed their unwillingness to liberalise their immigration quotas, and the British refused to even discuss Palestine as a possible haven. One German newspaper’s comment on Evian stands out: ‘We can see that one likes to pity the Jews”but no state is prepared to ” accept a few thousand Jews. Thus, the conference serves to justify Germany’s policy against Jewry.'”

On May 18, 1942, The New York Times reported, but on an inside page, that Nazis had machine-gunned over 100,000 Jews in the Baltic states, 100,000 in Poland and twice as many in western Russia. By this date, millions had been gassed.

In the June 10,1944 issue of Nation Magazine, Editor I. F. Stone wrote “For the Jews – Life or Death? – regarding a weak proposal to make so called ‘free ports’ of army camps in the US for refugee Jews.

“The longer we delay the fewer Jews there will be left to rescue, the slimmer the chances to get them out. Between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 European Jews have been killed since August, 1942, when the Nazi extermination campaign began.”

The most violent persecution, brutal arrests and internment had been done openly in a world basically owned and run by the ‘democratically’ elected legislatures of white industrialised nations, nations that had earlier used their edge in arms manufacture to conquer, colonise and exploit the whole non white population of the world. When the difficult to believe newsreels and newspaper photos of the indescribably inhuman conditions inside the camps, of heaps of hundreds of naked bodies and of the cremation ovens were seen, they did not awaken a change in the of the long standing fierce antipathy and prejudice towards Jews which sustained an attitude of opposition to the entry of Jews, even as survivors of the Holocaust, into the USA, in spite of the wide open spaces it contained.

The rearming of Germany made possible Hitler’s invasions of twenty-two countries and brought world war to Asia, for Japan would not have dared to attack and declare war on the United States of America without it being able to count on an alliance with an awesomely powerful rearmed Nazi Germany, plus Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Albania, which all declared war on the USA immediately after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour. The Second World War and the Holocaust, which made the rich speculators of Wall Street owning America the sole world superpower, is estimated to have taken the lives of 70 or more million men, women and children, including six million of Jewish Holocaust. Within this total were the 28 million citizens, men, women and children, of the Soviet Union, which had been the target goal for the rearming of Germany by a consensus of the wealthiest American and European capitalists. A further plus for Wall Street was that half the cities of Wall Street’s designated archenemy, socialist model USSR, lay in ruins.

Arming Hitler’s Impoverished Low Wage Nazi Germany Was the Most Profitable Investment in History and Initially It Was Done Openly with   FDR Fully Aware His Cronies Were Investing in Hitler’s Military                              

The ‘Good War’ Cover-up Slogan Unmasked By Well Kept Business Records and Tax Documentation That the Second World War was a ‘good war,’ a clear fight against what a madman had brought about, has been a major and fundamental deception solidified in Wall Street owned media and movies. The famous American historian Studs Terkel in his The Good War: An Oral History of World War II (1984), writes with unabashed cynicism, “While the rest of the world came out bruised and scarred and nearly destroyed, we came out with the most unbelievable machinery, tools, manpower, money … The war was fun for America. I’m not talking about the poor souls who lost sons and daughters. But for the rest of us the war was a hell of a good time.”

The Nazi Counsel for the Defence at the Nuremberg Trials Said the Truth

The deception fostered in Wall Street war investors owned press and TV that the white people of the American, English, French and other racist European colonial empires were good guy heroes during the Second World War has been pervasive and universal. Even the outcry of the German Counsel for the Defence in his summation at the major Nuremberg trial, heard by the audience of millions that saw the block buster American documentary movie  Judgement at Nuremberg, (with Burt Lancaster, Spencer Tracy and Marlena Dietrich) seems to have made little impression. 

“Your Honour? What about the rest of the world? Did it not know the intentions of the Third Reich? Did it not hear the words of Hitler’s broadcast all over the world? Did it not read his intentions in Mein Kampf, published in every corner of the world?…

Where is the responsibility of the world leader Winston Churchill…who said in an open letter to the London Times in 1938, Were England to suffer a national disaster, I should pray to God…to send a man of the strength of mind and will of an Adolf Hitler.’ In 1938! your honour,” repeats Schell shouting the date one year before Hitler invaded Poland. “Are we now to find Winston Churchill guilty? Where is the responsibility of the Vatican…who signed in the concordat with Hitler…giving him his first tremendous prestige? Are we now to find the Vatican guilty? Where is the responsibility of those American industrialists, who helped Hitler to rebuild his armaments and profited by that rebuilding?!! Are we not to find the American industrialists guilty?” shouts actor Maximilian Schell in defence of the Nazis on trial.

Seven years before the outbreak of WWII, on the eve of this rearming of Germany with US government acquiescence if not support, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the last wealthy aristocratic insider US President, wrote to his confidant Colonel House “as you and I know, this government has been owned by a financial element in the centers of power since the days of Andrew Jackson.”[28a] (Jackson was US president a hundred years earlier). FDR most certainly meant that they both knew that the “government owned by a financial element” included all three branches, Legislative, Executive and Judicial, and therefore Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidency. 

Roosevelt was permitted to tax the wealthy (one year as high as 94% of income over $ 200,000),[29]in order to enact socialist reforms like Social Security, Unemployment Compensation and have the government put the unemployed to work in Civilian Conservation Corps camps and the Works Projects Administration and thus quiet calls for revolution and provide a more liveable America than what the economic depression had made American families suffer up to that time.

FDR Was Fully Aware His Cronies Were Investing in Hitler’s Military

Roosevelt, at the same time, had to have been aware that many of his cronies and most of his peers among the wealthy owners of America’s corporations were investing and joint venturing head over heels in and with Nazi Germany.  In 1936, Senator James A. Reed of Missouri on the floor of the Senate accused  Franklin D. Roosevelt himself as being a “hired man for the economic royalists” in Wall Street, and that the Roosevelt family “is one of the largest stockholders in the General Electric Company.”[30] 

This author expects that the reaction of a good many readers to the affirmation that the ‘Holocaust could not have happened without corporate USA rearming Germany to destroy the USSR,’ would be one of protest. Sceptical readers might insist that although the elite of American industrialists did invest in and joint venture with the Nazis, rapidly building their Wehrmacht up to world’s number one military force in six years with the collusion of US and European government leaders, who permitted violations of the prohibitions in the Versailles Treaty, that these titans of American industry, banking and government could not have imagined or expected Hitler’s 1941 orders for the mass murder of all Jews we have come to call the Holocaust. 

No! This historian agrees. These wealthiest of investors and bankers on Wall Street and eminent CEOs of America’s major corporations could not have foreseen that their empowering Nazi Germany militarily would bring about Hitler’s 1941 orders to kill all Jews in Nazi occupied Europe, however they most certainly did know of the vicious, and often murderous, persecution of Jews in Germany that began immediately upon Hitler’s accession to power in 1933. 

In 1933, new German laws forced Jews out of their civil service jobs, university and law court positions, and other areas of public life. In April 1933, laws proclaimed at Nuremberg made Jews second-class citizens.These Nuremberg Laws defined Jews, not by their religion or by how they wanted to identify themselves, but by the religious affiliation of their grandparents. Between 1937 and 1939,  new anti-Jewish regulations segregated Jews further and made daily life very difficult for them. Jews could not attend public schools; go to theatres, cinema, or vacation resorts; or reside or even walk in certain sections of German cities. The Nazis either seized Jewish businesses and properties outright, or forced Jews to sell them at bargain prices. In November 1938, the Nazis organised a riot or pogrom, known as Kristallnacht (the “Night of Broken Glass”). This attack against German and Austrian Jews included the physical destruction of synagogues and Jewish-owned stores, the arrest of Jewish men, the vandalisation of homes, and the murder of individuals. (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) puts forth a description of European anti-Jewish prejudice: “Ironically, the more assimilated the Jew became the more this type of anti-Semitism reared its head. To a great degree, the dominant culture was willing to tolerate Jews with long beards, fur hats, a strange language (Yiddish) and who were easily identifiable as Jews. But they were not willing to accept Jews who were clean-shaven, wore no special garb and spoke perfect German or French or English”.

The economic elite of capitalist America’s white Anglo-Saxon Protestant ruling rich had to have felt their ruling position threatened as well, and their anti-Jewish reaction trickled down, or rather poured down. As a personal example the first curse words this peoples historian at age seven used when missing a shot playing marbles in the school play-yard was “Jew bastard!,” without knowing the meaning of either word.  (This would have been in 1939, well after Kristallnacht.) My first summer job in 1949, was performing in the Breakers, an Atlantic City Beach hotel built by Jews, so Jews would have one hotel there sure to give lodging to Jews. 

The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies describes the reaction to Kristallnacht in the US: Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms.

“President Franklin Roosevelt condemned the pogrom, recalled the U.S. ambassador from Germany for ‘consultations,’ and extended the visitors’ visas of the approximately 12,000 German Jewish refugees who were then in the United States.  But at the same time, FDR announced that liberalisation of America’s tight immigration quotas was ‘not in contemplation.’  The Christian Science Monitor echoed Roosevelt’s position, telling its readers that prayer, not more immigration, was the best response to the persecution of German Jewry.  

In the wake of Kristallnacht, humanitarian-minded members of Congress introduced legislation to aid German Jewry.  A bill sponsored by Senator Robert F. Wagner (D-NY) and Rep. Edith Rogers (R-Mass) proposed the admission of 20,000 German refugee children outside the quotas.  Nativist and isolationist groups vociferously opposed the Wagner-Rogers bill. “Typical of their perspective was a remark by FDR’s cousin, Laura Delano Houghteling, who was the wife of the U.S. Commissioner of Immigration: she warned that ‘20,000 charming children would all too soon grow into 20,000 ugly adults.’  In February, 1939, the Wagner-Rogers bill died in Congress. Roosevelt refused to take a position on it.”

The only plausible answer as to why Russians haven’t openly and logically held the United States responsible for the second world war, Holocaust and the genocidal Nazi invasion of their country is the shame for the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. However, given the obviousness of the colonial powers heavily arming Nazi Germany under such a pathetic excuse as to make Nazi Germany only a “bulwark against communist Soviet Union,” and then refusing all entreaties of the Soviets to form a protective alliance in the face of Hitler’s ever increasing power and belligerence, Stalin’s surprise signing a non-aggression pact seems to have been a last resort defence of Russia.h

Were the Soviets to wait for Hitler’s attack, openly prepared by US, UK and France’s rearming of Germany against the terms of the Versailles Treaty and refusing to unite with the Soviet Union in opposing Hitler?

In his book, Mission to Moscow, (later a film as well with Walter Huston), US ambassador to Russia from 1936 to 1938, Joseph Davies, chronicles the desperation of the Russians in 1937, unable to get a defensive alliance with England and France, and fully aware that the rearming of Germany was directed at the Soviet Union most obviously not meant to be only a ‘bulwark.’ By the surprise non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, Stalin derailed for the moment the West’s plan to have Hitler invade the USSR. This gained the Soviet Union the time to build the tanks in the East that would later defeat the Nazi invasion. What Hitler called “a war of extermination” in Western Poland began only one week after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Hitler would again call for “a war of extermination” with the German invasion of the USSR, June 22, 1941, at the same time calling for the eradication of Jews. a continuance of the colonial powers policy of total destruction of Soviet Russia since it’s inception. In 1917, after suffering more dead than the other empires in a colonial powered First World War, Russians had overthrown their Tsar and their capitalists, and had declared a socialist government. Russians established a revolutionary government as a consequence of intolerably horrendous suffering during the First World War. Almost immediately, fourteen armies of twelve capitalist nations, former WW I allies of Russia, invaded in support of a desperate regime change civil war that failed but took the lives of millions, three million from typhus alone. The US sent two armies, one to Murmansk, the other to Vladivostok. There are official US Army photos of Americans standing over dead Bolsheviks* posted in the margins of Wikipedia’s articles, Polar Bear Expedition and the American Expeditionary Force Siberia. *’Bolshevik’ in Russian means ‘majority’ referring to past voting results during a Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party Congress) Churchill declared that Bolshevism must be “strangled in its cradle.” [Cover Story: Churchill’s Greatness,Jeffrey Wallin 2006-10-04 at the Churchill Center]

The capitalist arming of Hitler, seems to have been sign of a desperate continuance of the mortally destructive intentions of the US and other colonial powers since 1919.

The Cold War after the Second World War saw the colonial powers invading and bombing most of their colonies or ex-colonies, or fostering proxy wars between forces backed by the colonial capitalist powers against revolutionary independence movements backed by the Soviets and the socialist block.

That the Second World War Was A ‘Good War,’ ‘Good’ Triumphing Over ‘Evil,’ has been a Gargantuan Deception, Ominously Conditioning All of Humanity to Tolerate Profitable Genocide Ad Infinitum by the media hailed US and European “good guys.”


If no rearming of a Nazi Germany led by Hitler, then no Second World War

If no Second World War, then no multination Holocaust of six million Jews among a Holocaust total of eighteen million Europeans:

If no multination genocide of Jews, then no 250,000 displaced Jewish survivors refused refuge.

All the German crimes, the crimes that were committed by Stalin and those committed by the US and Britain in fire bombing entire German and Japanese cities, happened during the world war that was made possible by the enthusiastic rearming of Hitler’s Nazi Germany during the Second World War, which Wall Street made possible, and ended with the Wall Street owned United States of America became the mega wealthy first ever world’s single super power, while its socialist nemesis, the Soviet Union lay devastated, its major cities half destroyed and 28 million of its citizens dead.

What might have been different all these subsequent years? if the world had been aware that investments and joint venturing by America’s large corporations had made the Second World War and the Holocaust possible?

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