Watch the video above of the American Military desecrating Martin Luther King’s legacy by saying that he would have supported the imperialist wars in Afghanistan and Iraq if he was alive.

Martin Luther King Jr.’ was courting assassination not merely for his condemnation of U.S. crimes against humanity in the neo-colonized poor populations of the world, but for condemning the “unfair predatory investments” that US wars are meant to maintain for the wealthy elite that still rule America and most of the world today.

He was permanently silenced because of his talent for awakening the citizenry, then precipitously being used to demand that all Americans, himself included, take responsibility for these atrocity wars and recognize responsibility to stop them as illegal and inhuman. King did not simply blame their own elected public officials for illegally ordering the genocide planned on Wall Street. He made his moral demand upon all Americans suddenly on April 4th, 1967 with a long sermon that was more a history lesson of his government’s homicidal violence all over the world, violence that was all for the financial benefit of mercilessly immoral powerful investors, in wars on poor people made possible by continual massive false testimony and disinformation from commercial media owned and controlled by these same heartless powerful investors. This world headline making sermon was titled appropriately, Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence, for in this sermon King agonized over his not speaking up sooner.

A Memphis jury’s verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers “and other unknown co-conspirators,” found that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government. Take a moment to put King’s condemnation of U.S. wars to use during this anniversary of his assassination documented as described above. (See previous OEN King assassination anniversary articles by clicking on links at the end of this article.)

King’s condemned his country’s government as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world” making headlines internationally. He frightened the international community of investors, because this man capable of arousing the indignation of the nation spoke not to his government’s elected politicians but to the American people who had agreed to immorally accept, acquiesce and support these wars. Here is what was intolerable for the gang on Wall Street – listening to a beloved and proven successful leader of the masses rail against the injustice provoked by investors. This was something ominously frightening for the stability of their investments, and to their keeping their power to rule.

Though progressives expected the commercial media to again ignore King’s assassination anniversary as studiously as the mainstream media always has, they needn’t be silent about it. Our turn becomes stronger the day after we witness the calculated media silence. ‘Their’ media ignores King’s assassination anniversary, just as its entertainment/news media ignores the millions of deaths of even women and children, who fall in harms way of American invaders. We must all the more emphatically raise our voices in condemnation of this blocking mention of the colossal loss of life in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libyan lives in Libya recently taken and now our having the CIA and its five Middle Eastern branches see to what they can accomplish in Syria. This is what King Jr. would have wanted us do. This is what ‘peoples historian’ Howard Zinn spoke to in his radio interviews.

King demanded condemningly, “Look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the country. This is a role our nation has taken, … refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that comes from the immense profits of overseas investments. This is not just.”

There is now a King Condemned US Wars and Predatory Investments International Awareness Campaign. (One can Google its website as King Condemned US Wars)

It is already endorsed by:

Global Justice and Peace of Riverside Church NYC

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Pax Christi International

Pastors For Peace

Buddhist Peace Fellowship

Thomas Merton Center Anti-War Committee

Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship

Father Paul Mayer

Dr. Serene Jones, Union Theological Seminary

Rev. Emmanuel Char. McCarthy, Center Christian Nonviolence

Dr. Cornell West

Rabbi Michael Lerner

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space Bruce Gagnon

Veterans For Peace

former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark

Pete Seeger, folksinger

Wynton Marsalis, trumpet soloist, composer

Rep. Cynthia McKinney

Cindy Sheehan, antiwar activist

John Carlos, Olympic medalist

David Amram, composer

Richard D. Wolff, economist, U. of Massachusetts

James Vrettos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

American Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC)

Voices For Creative Non-Violence, Kathy Kelly

We Want World Peace

Cultures of Resistance Network

Come Home America US, Angela Keaton


International Action, Sara Flounders

War Is A Crime, David Swanson

Grandmothers Against the War

Black Agenda Report

Rev. Bruce Southworth

Ann Wright, Colonel US Army (Ret.)

Gen. Smedley Butler Chapter VFP

Minority Perspective United Kingdom

Counter Currents, Kerala, India


There is another campaign begun regarding bringing the law to bear upon those criminally planning, arranging, investing in, ordering and most importantly, promoting crimes against humanity deviously and masked as ‘just wars.’ Something unexpected! We have been made to believe that in the history of modern investment banking controlled European and European descendant empires that conquered and criminally exploited the non-European majority of Earthlings, will forever be above prosecution. The sole exception to leaders of empires national being prosecutable in established courts is said to be when the leaders, financiers and media personalities of the short lived Nazi empire were tried at Nuremberg (whose crimes, by the way, were made possible by massive investments from most all of the prominent US investing families and almost every single corporation of any significant size in the United States. This happened during a depression that was sustained by this flow of US investment into building the Nazi war machine with low-wage German labor in a Germany made prostate after an investor profitable World War One. WW I was the first international investment bonanza. The second and infinitely greater US investor bonanza was made possible by initial backing of a maniac planning a World War aimed principally at Soviet Socialist Russia, which for its early economic successes had been setting and example that fomented agitation for overthrowing capitalism everywhere – in the colonially occupied world and within the home nations of the Colonial Powers as well.)

Seems it is left to scholars to remember that after every popular revolution against investor controlled imperial rule, the overthrown politicians guilty, of crimes against humanity, were prosecuted in a reconstituted legal court system of criminal law, following their previous prosecution in the court of public opinion during the last days of their rule over society. The French, Mexican, Russian, Cuban, Chinese and Iranian Revolutionary Courts are examples of reconstituted courts prosecuting the very criminals that had already been prosecuted in the court of public opinion while investors had held power over the court system corrupted for their benefit and protection.

Another example to remember during the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’ assassination is that racist crime is now prosecuted in and by the established legal system, but only after King led successful prosecution of racist crime in the court of public opinion (despite all the violence the racist criminals brought down upon King’s non-violent prosecution of them in that court of public opinion.) Following the manner in King explained the history of investor generated wars, this new campaign, Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now contains a country by country history of US crimes.


Previous OEN articles on this subject of media avoiding mention of the anniversary of his being shot dead.

MLK Assassination Anniversary Yesterday Unnoticed, Useful Today

A Memphis jury’s verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers “and other unknown

co-conspirators,” found that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own

government. Read UN Ambassador Andrew Young testimony. put King’s condemnation of U.S. wars to use today as ‘peoples historian Howard

 Zinn does in his radio interviews!

Monday, April 5, 2010


It has often been suggested that we reread King’s Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence substituting Afghanistan and Iraq for each time Vietnam is referred to. But in parts of this sermon herein quoted King speaks to a time beyond the end of the war that brought him to cry out against in aguish insisting a breaking of our silence to demand moral change – one year to the day on which he was shot dead.

Friday, April 4, 2008

MLK Was Murdered Exactly One Year After Condemning U.S. Imperialist War and Capitalism

(1 comments) It is widely believed that King’s condemnation of imperialist war madness and the capitalist “insanity of putting profit above humanity” cost him his life and cost the U.S. the loss of his much ‘too effective’ leadership. Historian Howard Zinn supports awakening Americans today by quoting from King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech. Read UN Ambassador Andrew Young testimony in the King family’s successful Memphis conspiracy trial.

Jay Janson, 80, is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England, India and the US, and now resides in New York City. Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his. GlobalResearch, InformationClearingHouse, CounterCurrents, DissidentVoice, OpEdNews, Minority Perspective UK, HistoryNewsNetwork, are among those who have published his articles. Is coordinator of King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign (King Condemned US Wars) and creator of Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign with a country by country history of US crimes.


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