Where will the war criminal Blair hide next?

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was forced to hide in a room on his visit to Malaysia as protesters waited for him to appear to serve him an indictment for war crimes.

Tony Blair was on a speaking engagement in Malaysia organised by “Success Resources Company” as a keynote speaker of the National Achievers Conference in a three-day event; however members of the Malaysian anti-war organisations and members of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission were waiting to serve Blair with an indictment for war crimes.

After undercover British and Malaysian security personnel spotted the protesters they kept them under surveillance while Blair was hiding in a VIP room above the convention hall.

Despite the heavy security however, Mr. Matthias Chang, [barrister] of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission  and Mr. Zainur Zakaria, Chief Prosecutor of the War Crimes Commission rushed to serve Blair the indictment when he arrived while protesters shouted, “mass murderer, war criminal, shame on you.” (Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: Global Research: April 24, 2010)

Unfortunately they could not serve the indictment as Malaysian and British security prevented them from doing so.

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission is one of many campaigns all over the world to hold Tony Blair and former US president, George Bush accountable for war crimes.

It is ironic how the average citizen believes that they are living in a democratic society, but it is only when the powerful commit a crime that we begin to see that there are those who are above the law and it questions the very concept that democracy exists.

Related article: Above the law: Leaders not held accountable for crimes

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